Greetings Dragon Lords,
Here is the current (8/17/22) list of known issues related to the recently released Lost Islands Atlas update.
Potential Blockers
- Overlapping castles
- [NEW - Added 12/8/22] Inaccessible Castles in Dreadfrost New Lands
Higher Priority
- Passage to 5TA castles does not exist. Or rather, you can fly directly, but you get delays. Correct functionality is: no delays.
- Passage from passage lists - you can fly directly, and you get delays, same as above. Correct functionality is: one shouldn't be able to move at all.
- Clusters do not follow the map in the release notes (e.g. there are T6 access Castles)
- Additional infrastructure levels for non-T6 castles (e.g. Bank lvl 13-15 for T2, T3)
Medium Priority
- Elements assigned to castles should be distributed
- Most castles in v1 are the same type (i.e. all T6s are wind)
- T6s should have a variety of elements
Lower Priority
- Castle name filter too aggressive (can’t name it something inoffensive)
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