Chilly Greetings, Dragon Lords!
The arcane evil of Somnus trembles and shakes off its blanket made of night and sewn with cat-gut coils of suffocating gothic terror. Yuck! Somnus is back in black, baby - and ready to cast its shadow over the bases of Atlas.
Somnus leads the first ever Resurrection Wave, formerly known as Wave 2. The Strange Lands Resurrection Wave not only contains the Somnus Resurrection Branch, but also a Mini Cosmic Orrery branch, and Tower Levels 128-130.
The Resurrection Wave content will contain a 20% increased prizing boost for weeks 5 and 6 (this week and next).
Let’s learn a little bit more about Somnus’ return.
The Somnus Resurrection Branch
The branch will contain the initial Dragon Egg at the Red Tier, and then Evolution Stones from Purple > Artisan Tier. If you already have Somnus or do not need a particular Stone, you will be rewarded with an alternative prize instead.
The branch will cost 37.5k sigils, and contain 6 season keys and 2 ascension tokens.
We have made some small changes to Somnus’ spells to give it a fighting chance in contemporary Atlas. We have noted those changes in Somnus’ spell kit below.
SOUL BARRAGE - Active | White | 1 Rage
Fires multiple (5) projectiles at randomly chosen towers, each dealing (16%) Dragon HP as damage.
DEATH KNELL - Active | Red | 2 Rage | 11s Cooldown [down from 15s]
Deals (11.5)% Dragon HP to nearby buildings. Gain (100)% Dragon HP and (5) Rage, as well as Mage Tower’s Supershot Rage drain/Freeze effect invincibility for duration of the spell (2) seconds.
ECTOPLASMIC BREATH - Active | White | 0 Rage
Increases Dragon Attack damage by (180)% [up from 160%] for (4) seconds and inflicts a damage over time modifier on buildings doing (1.5)% dragons HP as damage per second for (3) seconds.
DARK FLAK RESIST - Passive | Yellow
Reduce damage taken from Dark Flak Towers by (70)%.
Runes & Glyph
What are your thoughts on the Resurrection Wave? Discuss with fellow Dragon Lords over in the Official Discussion Thread!
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