Desert Nomad
Sheltered under the open sky. At home on the move.
VENOMOUS - Passive| Yellow Passive: Dragon has (75)% increased breath damage.
SANDSTORM - Active | White | 1 Rage Dragon flies (20%) slower, dodges all non-beam attacks, and damages towers for (8)% of its modified HP each second for (5) seconds. Duration 5s, Cooldown: 2s.
QUICKDRAW - Active | White Dragon reloads (50%) ammo and takes (5%) max hp as damage. Cooldown: 2s.
DISTRACT - Active | Red | 1 Rage Dragon damages nearby towers for (20)% of its modified HP. Dragon also restores (12)% of its modified HP and becomes invincible for (2) seconds. Duration 2s, Cooldown: 5s.
Design Intent
Gilas is a precision-based hunter that relies on its breath attacks to destroy towers and its spells to survive. Gilas rewards flyers who make every shot count and who save their defensive spells for the right moment.
Gilas’s breath attacks are enhanced by its Venomous passive, which increases the damage of every attack by 75 percent. On top of its Venomous Passive, Gilas has access to the exciting Quickdraw spell which allows Gilas to exchange a small amount of health for a substantial amount of ammo.
Gilas has access to two defensive spells, and as a hunter, has to make maximum use out of them when facing a challenging base. Gilas’s first line of defense is the mighty Sandstorm spell. Summoning the desert winds, Gilas dodges all projectiles while damaging all nearby towers.
Gilas’s second line of defense is Distract. Distract heals Gilas for a small amount, damages nearby towers, and perhaps most importantly grants the dragon a short period of invincibility.
Gilas flyers need to use their attacks and their Quickdraw spell to take down any red mage towers on the island before Sandstorm is over. Once that is done, Distract should give just enough time to clear the rest of the island. Spending health on Quickdraw just before recovering health with Distract maximizes Gilas’s chances of victory.
Gilas prefers solitude and has roamed the Northern Prairies alone for many years. Although Gilas kept itself out of the Celestial Rift wars, the events of Aftermath have caused an increasing number of encroachments on Gilas’s territory. Only time will tell if the Desert Nomad will find friends or enemies on the plains.
Portrait: Inquisitor 66
Smoke Jaguar
Cloaked behind layers of deception.
ASPECT OF STEALTH - Active | White | 1 Rage Dragon cloaks for (3) seconds and flies at (50%) speed. While cloaked, dragon can attack and use its spells without uncloaking. Duration: 3s, Cooldown: 2s.
ASPECT OF FLAME - Active | White | 1 Rage Deals (50)% of dragon's modified HP as damage to all towers in target area. Cooldown: 5s.
ASPECT OF DECEIT - Active | White | 1 Rage Summon a dragon in front that absorbs incoming damage and supershots. Hp is 40% of Dragon HP, attack power is 10% of Dragon HP.
ASPECT OF DECAY - Active | White | 1 Rage Affected towers deal (20)% reduced damage and take (60)% increased damage. Casting Aspect of Decay again at the affected towers will destroy them immediately. Cooldown: 5s.
Design Intent
Imix is a deceptive, rage-intensive sorcerer who can take down anything as long as it has fuel for its spells.
The core of Imix’s spell set is Aspect of Stealth. Aspect of Stealth conceals Imix completely, allowing the dragon to avoid all attacks while still attacking and casting spells normally. While concealed by Aspect of Stealth, Imix must concentrate on using its destructive spells to devastate the opposing island before its protection ends.
Imix’s offensive spell barrage begins with Aspect of Decay. This spell greatly increases the damage that affected towers take and reduces the damage those same towers do by a small amount. Aspect of Flame is a powerful spell that when used on towers weakened by Aspect of Decay should guarantee their destruction.
As the protection of Aspect of Stealth fades, Imix pulls out its last trick, Aspect of Deceit. This spell summons an ghostly duplicate of Imix. While this illusionary double is capable of doing real damage to enemy towers, it can only endure a shot or two. Unlike other summon spells, timing is critical with Aspect of Deceit - wait too long and Imix will endure damage that it can’t afford to take, but cast it too soon after Aspect of Stealth fades and it won’t protect against additional attacks.
Ever the trickster, Imix delights in deceiving and manipulating those it meets. Imix finds no victory sweeter than causing someone to choose their own defeat. Imix has delighted in the influx of creatures to the Northern Prairies, finding the newcomers both unaware of Imix’s love of deception and vulnerable to the dangers of plains.
Portrait: The Stranger
The Thousand Year Nightmare
A bolt of fear in the thunderous sky.
ENDLESS NIGHTMARE - Active| White | 1 Rage Damages towers in small target area for (100) times the dragon's attack power. And heals for (5%) of the dragon's health. Cooldown: 3s.
REQUIEM FOR HOPE - Active | Yellow Passive: Dragon has (250)% increased breath damage.
DREAD AEGIS - Active | White | 1 Rage Shield for (100)% of dragon's max Max HP and deal (10)% of dragon's Max HP in area. Duration: 4s, Cooldown: 2s.
DOOM CALL - Active | White | 1 Rage Freezes nearby towers for (4) seconds. Affected towers take 25% increased damage. Duration: 4s, Cooldown: 4s.
Design Intent
The mighty Nockmar roams the darkness of the Northern Praries, spreading fear wherever it chooses to fly.
Nockmar is a powerful mythic warrior that uses spell combos to obliterate opposing islands. Nockmar begins most offensive sequences with Endless Nightmare, a powerful blast capable of destroying any single tower. Requiem for Hope, Nockmar’s passive spell, greatly increases its breath damage and allows it to peel away subsequent defense
After Endless Nightmare has destroyed the first tower on the island, Nockmar can stun and weaken nearby towers with the powerful Doom Call. Doom Call stuns towers and stops projectiles, quelling the island’s first chances to do damage.
Nockmar’s final spell, Dread Aegis, is a powerful defensive shield that explodes for significant damage when it ends. Against most islands, Nockmar will follow Doom Call with Dread Aegis, relying on the shield’s explosion to finish off the opposing island. Against islands with fast-firing lightning towers, reverse this order so that the shield absorbs the lightning attacks then follow with Doom Call.
Tales of Nockmar, the thousand year nightmare, have spread south from the prairies, and those who travel across the plains must always seek shelter at night.
The Radiant Engine
The piercing trill of hope.
INVOKE: ISOLATE - Active | Yellow Dragon's empowered breath attack deals (120)% of the dragon's modified hp as bonus damage.
EAGLE SIGHT - Active | White | 0 Rage Marks a target tower. If the marked tower is destroyed, dragon restores (15)% health and (1) rage. Cooldown: 5s.
PREDATORY GLIDE - Active | Blue | 1 Rage Dragon cloaks for (2.5) seconds. Dragon flies at (25%) speed. Duration: 2.5s, Cooldown: 1s.
RADIANT STRIKE - Active | White | 1 Rage Damages towers in small target area for (100) times the dragon's attack power. And heals for (5%) of the dragon's health. Cooldown: 4s.
Design Intent
Steelwing’s powerful invoke shot destroys any single tower. This, combined with Radiant Strike, another single-target nuke, allows Steelwing to take out two high priority targets as soon as it starts an offensive run against an island.
Steelwing’s defensive cloaking spell is blue, making it of paramount importance to get blue mage and archmage towers off of the island as quickly as possible. Once free to use Predatory Glide, its cloaking spell, Steelwing can recover ammo and prepare to destroy the rest of the island.
Steelwing’s fourth spell, Eagle Sight, marks a single tower. Eagle Sight costs no rage to cast, and when the marked tower is destroyed, Steelwing recovers one rage and heals for a moderate amount. Eagle Sight’s long cooldown means that getting it on the right tower early in the attack is critical.
Steelwing enjoys the company of non-dragons and often volunteers to escort caravans across the Northern Prairies.
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