The Thousand Year Nightmare
A bolt of fear in the thunderous sky.
It's a little known fact that the word "nightmare" comes from the Northern Prairies. Long ago, when explorers went into the Northern Prairies, the locals with their thick accents were trying to warn them about a terrible steed that chased men through their dreams. Some would wake up, with blisters and burns running up their back. Some died of fright n their sleep.
The explorers returned with stories of these "nightmares" which came to mean bad dream. But the people of the praries weren't saying nightmare... they were saying Nockmar.
Mythic Dark Warrior
ENDLESS NIGHTMARE - Active| White | 1 Rage
Damages towers in small target area for (100) times the dragon's attack power. And heals for (5%) of the dragon's health. Cooldown: 3s.
REQUIEM FOR HOPE - Active | Yellow
Passive: Dragon has (250)% increased breath damage.
DREAD AEGIS - Active | White | 1 Rage
Shield for (100)% of dragon's max Max HP and deal (10)% of dragon's Max HP in area. Duration: 4s, Cooldown: 2s.
DOOM CALL - Active | White | 1 Rage
Freezes nearby towers for (4) seconds. Affected towers take 25% increased damage. Duration: 4s, Cooldown: 4s.
Design Intent
The mighty Nockmar roams the darkness of the Northern Praries, spreading fear wherever it chooses to fly.
Nockmar is a powerful mythic warrior that uses spell combos to obliterate opposing islands. Nockmar begins most offensive sequences with Endless Nightmare, a powerful blast capable of destroying any single tower. Requiem for Hope, Nockmar’s passive spell, greatly increases its breath damage and allows it to peel away subsequent defense
After Endless Nightmare has destroyed the first tower on the island, Nockmar can stun and weaken nearby towers with the powerful Doom Call. Doom Call stuns towers and stops projectiles, quelling the island’s first chances to do damage.
Nockmar’s final spell, Dread Aegis, is a powerful defensive shield that explodes for significant damage when it ends. Against most islands, Nockmar will follow Doom Call with Dread Aegis, relying on the shield’s explosion to finish off the opposing island. Against islands with fast-firing lightning towers, reverse this order so that the shield absorbs the lightning attacks then follow with Doom Call.
Tales of Nockmar, the thousand year nightmare, have spread south from the prairies, and those who travel across the plains must always seek shelter at night.
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