Greetings Dragon Lords! Version 5.18 will comprise of mainly Atlas changes to Glory. Please read on to learn more.
Reverting Glory Bands Feature
As discussed last week, we are temporarily reverting the Glory Bands feature. We believe in this feature's ability to encourage players to hit more challenging targets, but we're going to give it a tune up and add in bonuses for hitting up before re-releasing it.
Turning Off Double Glory
Glory gain will be returned to its normal rates. We really appreciate everyone’s patience during our changes to the glory bands, and hope that Double Glory helped everyone out on their progression. Congratulations on all the glory you earned! Double Glory was fun, but it will be a while before it returns.
Increasing Glory for Successfully Defending
As discussed in the February 2020 Atlas update thread, glory for a successful defense has been increased to at least 10% of the glory the attacker would have won. This is in addition to any glory the defender would have ordinarily earned. This scales up to 50% of the attacker’s possible glory if the attacker destroys 0% of the base.
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