What are Beasts?
Beasts appear all across Atlas as your huntable prey. These beats will vary in strength and reward you loot when you defeat them.
Example of a Beast
Beasts will spawn at random intervals near castles owned by your team, No Man’s Lands, and Neutral Lands.
- Beasts escape after a set duration after spawning. Attack them before they escape or wait for the next Beast to spawn again.
- After killing 8 Beasts in any given region, no more Beasts will spawn in that region until the following day.
UPDATE: Limit has been set from 8 Beast per Region to 2000 Beast per Region
Source: November 2020 Update - A Beast’s level is determined based on the region’s level that it spawns in. Neutral regions will feature the lowest level Beasts.
- Beasts are unique to players - you cannot see or attack other players’ Beasts.
- Your Primarch must be in the same region as the Beast that you want to attack.
- Each Beast requires a minimum Hunt Power from a Primarch to be attacked.
The higher level of the Beast, the higher the Hunt Power required. - Hunt Power is determined based on the Primarch’s tier, level, and the number of troops it’s holding.
1 Troop = 0.5 Hunt Power - Your Primarch’s Hunt Power can be found on your Primarch’s ‘Details’ page.
- Defeating Beasts will offer amazing rewards!
- Basic Loot: Varying amounts of Dragon XP, Gold, and Crafting Shards based on the Beast’s level. The higher the Beast level, the better the bonus rewards. Team Refinery and Atlas Elite buffs apply to Beast rewards as well.
- Bonuses/Multipliers: Beasts and Mines share the same daily gold multiplier which scales down with each subsequent attack during a day. These values reset every day at midnight PT.
- Attacking Beasts gives the same XP multiplier as attacking a Mine.
- Rare Drops: In addition to the Basic Loot mentioned above, you have a chance of discovering rare loot items after defeating a Beast. Rewards include: Crafting Shards, Crafting Scrolls, Red Rider Shards, Blue Rider Shards Higher level Beasts have better drop rates.
Example of a Beast's Information Screen
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