As a player with Atlas access, leaving or getting expelled from your team results in several things.
- You will no longer have Atlas access until rejoining another team with Atlas access.
Troops and Primarchs:
- At 12:00 AM PT (midnight) every day, primarchs that you have summoned will have their troops sent back to your barracks and the primarchs themselves will be "Freed" as they no longer have troops.
- If you leave or are expelled from your team, you still have time to return to Atlas by joining a team with access to prevent your Primarchs from being "Freed".
Bonuses and Tribute:
- After joining a team with Atlas access, their infrastructure bonus will be applied to you exactly 24 hours after.
- Tributes will be given the next day after the activation of your infrastructure bonuses
August 28, 2019 - 2:00 PM PT - Joined Atlas Team
August 29, 2019 - 2:00 PM PT - Infrastructure bonus is applied
August 30, 2019 - 12:00 AM PT - Tribute is given
Event Rewards and Participation:
- If you leave and join an Atlas team in the middle of an event, you will not be able to earn team event points for your team. You will still be able to earn individual progression points and prizes though.
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