Greetings Dragon Lords!
Recently, we have announced that we are working on introducing a few new changes to Atlas (Reddit/Discord/In-Game). Now that these changes are live (7/30/2024), here's a quick summary of what changed:
New Gold 2 Primarch Summoning Requirements
New "Set Home" Rule Change
- A team is now not able to set a new "Home" on a Castle if either:
- Castle Infra is not enabled
- Castle Shield is active
Note: 2 New Atlas Notifications were introduced for this scenario:
ENG: Failed to set home: Cannot Set home as shield is active
DE: Konnte Zuhause nicht festlegen: Zuhause kann nicht gesetzt werden, da der Schild aktiv ist
FR: AÉchec de la définition du foyer : Impossible de définir le foyer car le bouclier est actif
IT: Impossibile impostare la casa: Impossibile impostare la casa perché lo scudo è attivo
JA: ホームの設定に失敗しました:シールドがアクティブなため、ホームを設定できません
ENG: Failed to set home: Cannot Set home as castle infra is not enabled
DE: Fehler beim Festlegen des Heimatorts: Heimatort kann nicht festgelegt werden, da die Schlossinfrastruktur nicht aktiviert ist
FR: Échec de la définition du foyer : Impossible de définir le foyer car l'infrastructure du château n'est pas activée
IT: Impossibile impostare la casa: Impossibile impostare la casa perché l'infrastruttura del castello non è abilitata
JA: ホームの設定に失敗しました:城のインフラが有効になっていないため、ホームを設定できません
Castle Guards Glory Rule Change
- Killing Castle Guards now also gives Team Glory Points (equal to approx. 70% of Personal Glory Point gained)
Ownership Bonus Increase
Update (10/30/2024): Revision of the new Gold 2 Primarch Summoning Requirements & New "Set Home" Rules
We have been closely monitoring your feedback, and we have decided to tweak the G2 Primarch and “Set Home” Rules to better suit your needs by doing the following:
• New Gold 2 Primarch Summoning Requirements - Your team will be able to summon Gold 2 Primarchs anytime, but you won't be able to take any offensive action until your team owns at least 5 Castles, and a minimum of 5 of the owned Castles have at least 15% of their maximum Castle Guard capacity.
• New "Set Home" Rule - Currently, you cannot "Set Home" on a Castle if your Castle's infrastructure is not enabled, and if the Castle Shield is active for any reason. The Castle Infra rule will remain unchanged, but after the update, you will be able to "Set Home" on a Castle regardless of whether the PvP Shields during Major Events are active or not.
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