Greetings Dragon Lords!
Recently, we have announced that we are working on introducing a few new changes to Atlas (Reddit/Discord/In-Game). Now that these changes are live (7/30/2024), here's a quick summary of what changed:
New Gold 2 Primarch Summoning Requirements
New "Set Home" Rule Change
- A team is now not able to set a new "Home" on a Castle if either:
- Castle Infra is not enabled
- Castle Shield is active
Note: 2 New Atlas Notifications were introduced for this scenario:
ENG: Failed to set home: Cannot Set home as shield is active
DE: Konnte Zuhause nicht festlegen: Zuhause kann nicht gesetzt werden, da der Schild aktiv ist
FR: AÉchec de la définition du foyer : Impossible de définir le foyer car le bouclier est actif
IT: Impossibile impostare la casa: Impossibile impostare la casa perché lo scudo è attivo
JA: ホームの設定に失敗しました:シールドがアクティブなため、ホームを設定できません
ENG: Failed to set home: Cannot Set home as castle infra is not enabled
DE: Fehler beim Festlegen des Heimatorts: Heimatort kann nicht festgelegt werden, da die Schlossinfrastruktur nicht aktiviert ist
FR: Échec de la définition du foyer : Impossible de définir le foyer car l'infrastructure du château n'est pas activée
IT: Impossibile impostare la casa: Impossibile impostare la casa perché l'infrastruttura del castello non è abilitata
JA: ホームの設定に失敗しました:城のインフラが有効になっていないため、ホームを設定できません
Castle Guards Glory Rule Change
- Killing Castle Guards now also gives Team Glory Points (equal to approx. 70% of Personal Glory Point gained)
Ownership Bonus Increase
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