Scoundrel of Tides
A scoundrel who controls tides & seas.
Legendary Fire Hunter
● SHADOW JAVELIN - Active | Red | 1 Rage
Deals (2500)% of dragon's attack power as damage to target area and heals dragons for (15)% max HP. Duration: N/A; Cooldown: 8s.
● ANKLE TRAP - Active | White | 1 Rage
Cast upon a target area. Stuns targets in area for duration until it is damaged. Duration: 12s; Cooldown: N/A.
● GHOST MANIFEST - Active | White | 2 Rage
The dragon flies at (50)% of its base flying speed and cannot be hit by tower attacks for the duration of the spell. Dragon has (50)% increased rage generation while cloaked. Spell only goes on cooldown if the cloak is broken by player action. Duration: 3s; Cooldown: 3s.
● FIERY EXHALATION - Active | White | 2 Rage
Breath attack deals 200% increased damage for 4 seconds. Duration: 4s; Cooldown: 5s.
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