Honorbound Season Updates
Key Highlights
- 1 Legendary Discount Dragon
- 3 Mythics, each of which can be ascended using 8 Honorbound Ascension Tokens
- Season Leaderboard and new Division Leaderboards
- New in Honorbound:
Doomsmog Season Leaderboard Branch
- Similar to the Season Leaderboard branch, use your Division Coins from the Doomsmog season to claim prizes
- The Doomsmog Division Leaderboard prizes are various tiers of the Lyran portrait:
Doomsmog Season Leaderboard Branch
Pumpkin Branch
- Just like the Ice Cream Cone Branch it lasts all Fall long!
- Collect Pumpkins to unlock limited time, unique portraits. Every 9 Pumpkins unlocks a new tier of the portrait.
- A new Pumpkin will be available every day, which comes with an additional prize.
- Each prize is free.
- The Pumpkin branch contains 78 nodes, which reflects every playable day of the season.
- Accounts for the event downtime between Tuesday and Wednesday, meaning that the new prize on Tuesdays at 2 PM PST will be claimable until Thursday at 2 PM PST
- All other prizes roll over every day at 2 PM PST
- Collect 63 Pumpkins to collect all tiers of the Hikari Portrait:
- Just like the Ice Cream Cone Branch it lasts all Fall long!
Pumpkin Branch
Release Breakdown (release schedule and details are subject to change)
Wave 1
- 8/30/23: Raijin Branch (Mythic Dragon) - Cost: 20 Season Keys/Rewards: Evolution Stones up to Tier 23 + Ascension Skin
- 8/30/23: Iryoku Branch (Mythic Dragon) - Cost: 20 Season Keys/Rewards: Evolution Stones up to Tier 23 + Ascension Skin
- 8/30/23: Kinsei Branch (Mythic Dragon) - Cost: 20 Season Keys/Rewards: Evolution Stones up to Tier 23 + Ascension Skin
- 8/30/23: Hanasora Branch (Discount Legendary Dragon) - Cost: 19.5k Sigils/Rewards with discount: 6 Season Keys)
- 8/30/23: Doomsmog Redemption Branch
- 8/30/23: Doomsmog Seasons Leaderboard Branch
- 8/30/23: Mini Orrery Branch
- 8/30/23: Volt Tower Branch
- 8/30/23: Tower Levels 168-170
- 9/6/23: Trading Post 1
- 9/6/23: Limited Time Branch 1
Wave 1.5
- 9/13/23: Honorbound Champion Riders
- 9/20/23: Limited Time Branch 2
Wave 2
- 9/27/23: Resurrection Dragon Branch - Cost: 39k Sigils/Rewards: 6 Season Keys
- 10/4/23: Trading Post 2
- 10/4/23: Limited Time Branch 3
Wave 2.5
- 10/11/23: Spell Rider Branch - Cost: 39k Sigils/Rewards: 6 Season Keys
- 10/11/23: Fallen Majesty Mythics
- 10/18/23: Limited Time Branch 4
- 10/25/23: Oculus Tower Branch
- 10/25/23: Tower Levels 171-172
Wave 3
- 11/1/23: Trading Post 3
- 11/1/23: Limited Time Branch 5
- 11/8/23: Festive Dragon Branch - Cost: 18.5k Sigils/Rewards: 3 Season Keys (Festive fragments in Draconic Chest)
- 11/8/23: Fallen Research
- 11/15/23: Krelos Revenge Branch
- 11/22/23: Tower Levels 173-175
- 11/22/23: Limited Time Branch 6
Cinder Bloom
Cinder Bloom
Legendary Fire Invoker
INVOKE: EMBER BLOSSOM - Passive | Yellow
The dragon gains (10)% of its modified attack for the rest of battle with each use. Stacks are removed by Ice Flak Supershots. Duration: N/A; Cooldown: 0s -
PINK CANOPY - Active | Blue | 2 Rage
Reduces incoming damage by (60)% for 3 seconds and instantly heals for (10)%. Duration: 3s; Cooldown: N/A -
CHERRY BOMBS - Active | White | 1 Rage
Shoots 5 shots to random 3 nearby towers within attack range & deals 99% dragon HP as damage. Duration: 0.25s; Cooldown: 0s -
SAKURA'S SPIRIT - Active | Red | 1 Rage
Summons a previously released dragon, Sakura with 40% HP of dragon, attack power is 10%. Duration: N/A; Cooldown: N/A -
PETAL STORM - Active | White | 1 Rage
Destroys all mid-air projectiles, stuns nearby towers for 3 seconds, affected towers take 100% increased damage in a radius of 80. Duration: N/A; Cooldown: N/A
Runes and Glyphs
Eclipse's Fury
Mythic Dark Sorcerer
CELESTIAL STRIKE - Active | White | 2 Rage
Strikes all nearby buildings in a radius of 80 for 5 seconds with 25% max HP every (0.5) seconds. Duration: 5s; Cooldown: N/A -
THUNDEROUS VOIDLASH - Active | White | 1 Rage
Destroys mid-air projectiles, freezes nearby towers for 2 seconds in a radius of 80 & after towers take 30% increased damage. Duration: N/A; Cooldown: N/A -
HEALING RAMPAGE - Active | Blue | 1 Rage
The dragon gains (3) rage immediately and heals for 20% of its max HP upon destroying towers during the spell's duration. Duration: 4s; Cooldown: 5s. -
SILENT SABOTAGE - Active | White | 1 Rage
Dragon cloaks briefly. While cloaked, the dragon flies at (25)% of normal speed. After cloak duration deals 3% damage & Dragon's breath attack deals (300%) increased damage for (3) seconds. Duration: 3s; Cooldown: 3s.
Runes and Glyphs
Whisper of Frozen Shadows
Mythic Ice Warrior
BATTLE COMMAND - Passive | Yellow
Passively summons an invincible, AI-controlled warrior dragon at the beginning of battle. Summon has (2)% of dragon's modified HP as damage and (500)% of dragon's modified HP as health. Dragon passively has (20)% increased rage generation. Absorbs 35% of damage. -
ASSAULT DIRECTIVE - Active | White | 2 Rage
6000% AoE attack (max use 7 times) & heals 10% of max HP. Duration: N/A; Cooldown: 4s -
WARBORNE WISDOM - Active | Red | 1 Rage
Dragon damages nearby towers for (15)% of its modified HP. Dragon also restores health (20)% of its modified HP and becomes invincible for (2) seconds. Duration: 2s; Cooldown: 5s
ARCTIC FROSTBITE - Active | White | 1 Rage
Dragon gains (400)% increased breath damage for (3) seconds and freezes towers for (4)s. Duration: 3s; Cooldown: 4s
Runes and Glyphs
Mythic Earth Hunter
GOLDEN GLEAM - Active | White | 1 Rage
Dragon damages towers in the target area for (12)% of its modified HP and freezes them for (3) seconds. Tower's projectile stops mid-air and is disregarded. Duration: 3s; Cooldown: 3s. -
SPARKLING SPECTOR - Active | White | 1 Rage
Breath attack deals 200% increased damage for 4 seconds. Duration: 4s; Cooldown: N/A. -
RADIANT REFLECTION - Active | White | 1 Rage
Dodges all incoming projectile & supershots for 3 seconds, deals 15% of modified HP as damage to all nearby towers every 1 second. 30% ammo recharge & heals 20%. Duration: 3s; Cooldown: 7s. -
EARTHWING - Active | White | 0 Rage
Shoots 5 shots to random 2 nearby towers within attack range & deals 99% dragon modified HP as damage. Duration: 0.5s; Cooldown: 9s.
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