The Tower Transformation and Tower Merge betas were introduced to War Dragons with version 5.09 in November 2019. In this article, you'll find more information about these useful features.
How does it work?
Tower Transformation works by taking a portion of a tower’s build value (in terms of resources & time) and applying it towards the value of the new tower being transformed or merged.
Perches are excluded from transformation/merger. This feature applies only between primary defensive towers, and from totems to other totems.
Towers must be at least level 10 to qualify for merger or transformation, and you must meet the usual restrictions on player level, builder hut level, maximum per type, island placement, etc. in order to complete the action.
To Transform a tower into another, select it in your base, and tap on “Transform” where you’ll be able to select a different tower to transform your tower.
To Merge a stored or active tower’s value into an active one, select the tower in your base, tap on “Upgrade”, and then select the “Merge” tab on the left.
In both Transform and Merge actions, the consumed tower's value is determined by converting a portion of its premium resources (Time, Ice/Fire Shards, and Elemental Embers). This calculation is the same for all players and is independent of construction bonuses, but does factor applicable tier-based discounting. More details below.
The result of a merge will be capped by the usual tower restrictions, such as the max tower level you can build naturally. If you combine towers that produce excess value in XP beyond what level cap you are currently at, the excess value will be lost; this means that if you were to end up with a level 30 tower when you could only have a level 20, those 10 levels between the two would disappear into the Void.
What will it cost to transform/merge a tower?
There is no upfront cost for the action of transforming or merging towers! Instead, the “cost” is reflected in the value of the tower consumed. Some examples:
When transforming between towers that require the same resources, the feature's value efficiency establishes that you'll get back a new tower of only a slightly lower level (e.g. Dark Flak L85 to Fire Flak L83).
When transforming between tiers, the tower level difference will be more significant because of the conversion between resources (e.g. from Time+Lumber to Time+Embers, for Archer L85 to Dark Flak L60).
The same value efficiency applies when merging multiple towers into one.
What about the XP I’ve already gained from my towers? Will I lose the levels I already have gained?
In situations where total player XP would normally be reduced by transforming a tower to a lower level, we’ll instead keep your player level where it currently is and increase the distance to your next level so that everything matches up again once you get there. This difference is shown as "Required XP" in the transformation or merger screen.
How do these features look in-game?
Tower Merge:
Tower Transformation:
Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any doubts or need assistance by submitting a support ticket through the game or using our web form. Happy hunting!
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