If you have issue with your egg token mission, here are the detailed requirements to complete each and every mission available in the game:
- Successfully Attack X Base - A minimum of 70% Destruction is needed to progress.
- Defeat X Base using <Dragon> - The required dragon needs to be the one to last hit that puts it to 100% Destruction to progress.
- Loot X Food/Wood - You need to have at least a space on your storage hut to be able to steal resource. If you see 0 Food/Wood on your attack, double check your storage capacity and send/donate resource to give sufficient space to complete the mission.
- Destroy X <Tower> - Whatever tower is indicated will be needed to progress the mission so make sure to check the base you are attacking if it has the required tower.
- Cast this X times: <Spell> - Whatever spell is indicated will be needed to progress the mission. Not casting or using other spells will not progress the mission.
- Inflict X damage using <Dragon> - Use the dragon and deal damage to progress. If you use the dragon and quickly swapped to another dragon without dealing any damage, it will not progress.
- Destroy X buildings on a rival base - Destroying any towers on the enemy base will progress the mission
Frequently Asked Question
Question - I have done my quest, but it did not get completed
Answer - If you did not check your egg mission menu to confirm the quest (usually the newly generated ones have this issue), then it will not progress. Go to your blimp and check it out first before heading into battle.
Question - I have the mission where I was asked to use <Spell> X times. I know I've done it multiple times, but only X/Y is showing up.
Answer - There are times that you think you have actually cast it this many times, but you may have used a different spell or miscalculated the amount of times you have used it.
Question - I keep on attacking yet my mission to loot wood/food isn't being done. Help!
Answer - If you are seeing the resource loading at the end of battle, take a screenshot of it and contact Support and they should be able to help you. Do not delete it without the Support advising it. Other scenario for this is you have a full storage hut which you will be advised to make some space by sending/donating resource to your team mate or if you have a castle, to the bank.
Question - I've been given a mission to deal 100M damage using a red tier dragon. It's impossible to finish that!
Answer - You may take a screenshot of this and contact Support to have it resolved. That or use a death gaze spell consumable in one of your runs if you do not wish to contact Support.
Contacting Support
If you are going to contact Support due to an issue with the egg token mission, please prepare a screenshot of your egg mission. If it requires a specific dragon and you do not have it on your roster, do take a screenshot of your roster also as this will expedite the whole process in helping you resolve your egg token mission problem.
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