Universal Justicar
Protector of all planets in the cosmos
Justice is a rare event in the endless emptiness of space. In the dark gaps between stars and worlds, just about anything can happen in secret. The dragon-entity called Talariok is, therefore, one of the few creatures amongst the stars with a mandate to ensure fairness and order in the cosmos. This unflinching dedication to shining principles has inspired many cultures in many worlds, and now with the Eclipse and the arrival of Quasar, Talariok has come to Atlas for the first time. Perhaps the peoples of this world will laud this dragon too if justice is able to be upheld.
Legendary Ice Sorcerer
COLD SNAP - Active | White | 1 Rage
Damages all towers in target area for (14)% of HP and freezes them for (5) seconds. Cooldown: 1s. -
CELESTIAL JUSTICE - Active | White | 2 Rage
Dragon gains (180)% increased breath damage for (4) seconds and freezes towers hit by its breath attack for (1) second. Cooldown: 3s. -
SUPERNOVA - Active | Red | 1 Rage
Deals (15)% of dragon’s modified HP as damage to nearby buildings. Dragon gains brief invincibility, instantly restores (3) rage (net 2) and restores (20)% of its health Duration: 3s, Cooldown: 5s. -
ICY FRACTURE - Active | White | 1 Rage
Deals (2500)% of dragon's attack power as damage to all towers in target area and restores (2) rage (net gain 1 rage). Cooldown: 6s
Runes and Glyphs
Design Intent and Strategy:
Talariok is an offensive sorcerer with a mix of destructive and disabling power.
Talariok’s main offensive spell is Cold Snap, which damages and freezes all towers in a target area. Cold Snap freezes towers for quite some time, so the spell is excellent for locking down threatening towers while you deal with other dangers. Cold Snap can also protect Talariok from Mage towers, as freezing the tower while the supershot is mid-air will nullify the rage-drain effect.
Talariok’s next spell is Celestial Justice, which empowers the dragon’s breath attack to deal more damage and briefly freeze towers. Celestial Justice allows Talariok to disrupt many towers at once by interrupting tower attack animations and nullifying any mid-air projectiles, just like Cold Snap. Talariok’s different freeze effects cannot stack, however, and applying one freeze to a tower will not remove or refresh any existing freeze effects.
On the defensive side, Talariok has Supernova, which restores rage on cast, damages nearby towers, and briefly makes the dragon invincible. Supernova is Talariok’s only means of healing, so the spell’s cooldown should be carefully managed to keep the dragon alive. Notably, Supernova can always be cast for its healing effects, as Red Mage towers will only block the spell’s damage.
Talariok’s final spell is Icy Fracture, which heavily damages towers in a small target area and restores rage on cast. The spell cannot be spammed due to its longer cooldown, so it is best saved for destroying high-threat towers, like Mage towers and Crystal Howitzers.
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