Mandible Wyrm
Another atrocious, armored dragon? Not quite! Enten is a subterranean shielded beast, longing to feel the warmth of the sun's glow. When it is not burrowing into the mountain sides to root out its prey, it can be seen destroying its foes on both land and in the air. All of its adversaries are easily crushed by its powerful jaws, reducing them into dust in the cold winds.
Mythic Earth Sorcerer
RECLAIM - Active | Blue | 0 Rage
Gain (5)% of Dragon HP and (1) rage per tower destroyed. Duration: 5s, Cooldown: N/A. -
EARTH’S JUDGEMENT - Active | White | 1 Rage
Heals (10)% of dragons HP on cast. Damages towers in small target area for (100) times the dragon’s attack power. Duration: N/A, Cooldown: 5s. -
CATACLYSM - Active | White | 2 Rage
Deals (10)% Dragon HP as damage and freezes all towers within range for 5 seconds. Towers take (75)% additional damage from all sources after being frozen. Duration: 5s, Cooldown: 2s. -
GAIA’S GUARD - Active | White | 2 Rage
Reduces incoming damage by (50)% and grants immunity to Cosmic Orrery pull effect. Dragon instantly heals for (12)% max HP. Duration: 5s, Cooldown: N/A.
Runes and Glyphs
Design Intent and Strategy
Enten is a powerhouse sorcerer dragon that brings the full strength of the earth to battle. Enten wields two high damage destructive spells: Earth’s Judgement and Cataclysm. Earth’s Judgement rains devastating damage on all towers in a small area, utterly destroying them. This spell can be used to decimate any Red or Invincibility towers that stand in its way. Cataclysm is another powerful spell that blasts all nearby towers, stunning them for a short period and causing them to take significantly increased damage. Destruction is the name of the game and with Reclaim active, Enten will gain health and rage whenever it destroys a tower. Enten’s only defense is Gaia’s Guard, when cast it greatly reduces all damage received by Enten, and instantly restores some health.
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